So, today my girls and I participated in Filene's Basement's annual "Running of The Bride" event!!! And can I just start off by saying, "What a Rush?" OMG(oh my GOSH), the morning started off at 5 am for most, 3:30am and even 9pm the night before for brides to be!!! Doors opened at 8am! Can you say DEDICATED and Determined? You could so feel the adrenaline in the air. Their were goodies being handed out, television crews, radio stations, vendors, security, you name it and of course anxious brides-to- be with their dedicated teams!!!! Team Florence had a game plan: choose a designated meeting spot and GRAB, GRAB, GRAB!!!! And can I say, team-work definitely pays off? Our two brides-to-be found not one but two dresses for great prices (prices range from $249 to $699)! It's definitely luck of the draw, because we had at least 60-70 dresses in tow and there was a winner to be found! Not to mention, there were designer dresses floating around too. Some of the ladies even witnessed the find of a prized Vera Wang gown!!! Yes, I did say Vera Wang, needless to say that one was not getting away from that bride-to-be, no way!!!!!!!
In the end, there was lots of sweat, no blood, and tears of joy, but totally worth every minute of it! All you brides-to-be looking for a team to Run Wild with you...Look up Team DC!!!! We Find Dresses!!!!
For more info on the annual event go to http://www.filenesbasement.com/bridal.jsp
Live Long and Shape up!!!! Because you will definitely need all of your energy for this event!